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Barbell Strength
and Accessories

+ Gymnastics Bodybuilding

Who this program
is for

You want to intentionally build both muscle and strength, and use both the barbell and your bodyweight as tools to do so. 


You like to spend a little bit more time in the gym, and have access to either a 'box' style or globo gym.

What you get

-  5 days per week of 90+ minute barbell and bodyweight/gymnastics bodybuilding workouts

- Each exercise comes with sets, reps, and recommended rest breaks

- Video demonstration and access to complete exercise library with cues for each movement 

- Scales + progressions for each bodyweight movement involved so you make progress safely

 - 24/7 access to Margaret through TrueCoach if you have questions

The goal of the

-Intentionally build muscle in your shoulders, legs, butt, back, arms, and torso for your dream athletic physique using barbell lifts and barbell accessories in addition to bodyweight exercises.​

- Become stronger and more proficient in the main barbell lifts 

- Incorporate fun and challenging bodyweight strength and skill exercises

- Build core strength and muscle 

What you need

-Full Set of Dumbbells and/or kettlebells

-Barbell + plates

-Squat Rack

-Bench/Incline Bench

-Pull up bar 

-A set of rings

- A rope to climb

-Parallettes or a set of boxes that stack to waist height

-A GHD or 45º back extension machine

-Light, medium, and heavy band tension 

What it costs:

No plans availableOnce there are plans available for purchase, you’ll see them here.
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